Call Scripts

Increase the accuracy of the information your team shares while ensuring it is always concise and consistent.
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Your customer support and sales teams must be as accurate and efficient as possible for your business to thrive. They spend so much time on the phone that streamlining that time for them is critically important. Call scripts allow you to maintain various scripts that your team can follow to deliver concise, accurate information every time, no matter what the context of the call is.

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Exact Scripts or Talking Points

You can choose to provide your team with the entire script you want to them to recite, including every word you want relayed to the customer. Or, provide simple talking points and let your reps fill in the blanks in a more conversational tone.

Tagged Scripts

Add predefined scripts to certain tags so your team always shares relevant information with the caller. For example, set different standard scripts for conversations with leads and customers. When speaking to contacts tagged as “leads” your product pitch script pops up. For “customers” your new product enhancements script pops up.



Ensure Legal Compliance

Sometimes, sharing certain information with customers can get you into legal trouble, whether it involves divulging confidential information or committing to something the company cannot fulfil. Call scripts ensure your team only shares the information that should be shared.

Accurate Messaging

Accurate and consistent messaging are essential to an effective support function. By providing your team with pre-drafted call scripts, you ensure that everyone is staying on message and conveying the same information in the same way.


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