Customer Support

Customer Support Software

Lift your customer support efforts from average to exceptional.

A robust customer support presence can be the difference between average and exceptional. Your reputation in the market often depends heavily on the quality of your customer support and the resulting information that gets shared by word-of-mouth. Agile CRM’s extensive customer support features allow you to lift your efforts to the next level and maintain satisfied customers over the long term.

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FREE for 10 Users. No credit card required.
Customer Support Software Features

Collect Feedback


Organize incoming customer support issues and maintain rapid response times with helpdesk ticketing. Give customers various ways to reach out to your support team, and streamline the ticket creation process for your reps.


Segment out helpdesk groups of customers and the associated customer support reps that assist them into silos so that only reps experienced with those customers’ products are tasked with supporting them.



Smart Views

Smart views give you at-a-glance insights and updates on the metrics you need to follow. Keep your finger on the pulse of your customer service efforts.

Service Level Agreements

Service level agreements set clear expectations for your support team and your customers, providing clarity around what customers can expect and giving your support team goals to work toward.




Customer support workflows help you automate the routine administration of incoming tickets and the process that moves them through to resolution. Use workflows to set priority, status, route incoming tickets and ensure your SLAs are met.

Ticket Labeling

Agile CRM’s ticket labeling allow you to categorize tickets based on commonalities relevant to your business. Automate workflows based on those labels to streamline your customer support.



Canned Responses

Use canned responses to prepackage numerous email responses to commonly asked questions and route them out in an instant when a common question comes in, freeing up time for your support team.


Keep your finger on the pulse of how your customer support team is performing by tracking metrics such as tickets closed, average time to resolve issues, live chats closed, and more.


Start with FREE account today!

FREE for 10 Users. No credit card required.